The 21st edition of Building Material seeks papers on the theme of practice in architecture.
Practice can be defined as a process of habitual iteration. The idea of the architect as ‘practitioner’ therefore captures aspects of the design of buildings not quite encapsulated in the notion of the architect as ‘professional’. Yet to practise architecture may or may not necessarily mean the production of buildings or even involve design. Many architects find other ways to engage with and alter the built environment. Amongst other factors, a cyclical economic climate often compels architects to be survivalist, innovative, flexible and robust in the ways that architecture is pursued, realised, paid for, practised. Simultaneously, there are other more positive reasons why practice has evolved historically and continues to do so today. As practice changes, more and more interest and reflection descends upon it. Such considerations may include (but would by no means be limited to) issues around practice as a form of research, professionalisation and specialisation, social and community architecture, the economies of architectural practice, scales of work in relation to scales of organisation, access to skills and knowledge, and the boundaries to instigating new methodologies.
Building Material 21 invites submissions that explore the range of architectural possibilities inherent within the word practice in Ireland and elsewhere. Submitted articles must not have been published, nor be under consideration for publication, either online or in print. Written submissions should be a maximum of 4000 words and should be analytical and critical rather than descriptive. While inviting submission of academic papers, it also seeks and encourages interesting essays that fall beyond the academic pale. Shorter articles are welcome, as are graphic works.
Building Material is a peer reviewed journal and all submissions shall be assessed by two independent reviewers. A distinction will be made between peer-reviewed research articles and other material.
Completed articles should be addressed to the editor(s) by 10 February 2017. To facilitate the process of double-blind peer review, please ensure that all contact details are contained in a covering email and that authors’ identifying details are not included in the article file.
Acceptance decisions will be communicated by 3 March 2017. Articles should be prepared in MS Word, double-spaced at a minimum 11-point font size. Notes should adopt the UWA Oxford Referencing style, as outlined in the attached document. Single quotation marks should be used throughout. Image files should be formatted as individual jpg files at 300dpi.
Peer Review Panel
Samuel Austin / Richard Brooke / Hugh Campbell / Kevin Donovan / Sonja Duempelmann / Jan Frohburg / Emma Geoghegan / Elie Harfouche / Grainne Hassett / Tara Kennedy / Sarah Lappin / Dearbhla MacManus / Samantha Martin McAuliffe / Agustina Martire / Sarah Mulrooney / Derville Murphy / Aoibheann Ní Mhearáin / Finola O’Kane / Michael Pike / Ellen Rowley / Anna Ryan / Laila Seewang / Emmett Scanlon / Tatjana Schneider / Sarah Sheridan / Amy Thomas / Nathaniel R. Walker / Danielle Willkens
Editorial Advisory Board
Gary Boyd
Michael K. Hayes
Brian Ward
Nathalie Weadick
Informal queries regarding submission may be addressed to the editor(s).
All submissions and correspondence should be addressed to
Previous issues of Building Material are now available to view on JSTOR.
Building Material is an annual architecture journal, joint published by the Architectural Association of Ireland (AAI), the All-Ireland Architecture Research Group (AIARG), and the Irish Architecture Foundation (IAF).