Date: 22.11.15 – 10.01.16
Tuesday to Saturday 11am to 5:30pm, Sunday 2pm to 5pm, Closed on Mondays
Venue: VISUAL Centre for Contemporary Art, Old Dublin Road, Carlow
The Architectural Association of Ireland are pleased to announce the exhibition of the 2015 Annual AAI Awards exhibition in VISUAL, Carlow from the 22nd November to 10th January.
Ireland’s longest running awards programme, the AAI Awards are the only internationally peer-reviewed architecture awards in Ireland that publicly publish the critical discourse which takes place among the assessors adjudicating the awards. As a consequence the awards give the public an unprecedented insight into the critical conversations that shape the quality of our built environment and future heritage. Historically these awards have been the first to recognise emerging talents that have gone on to become the established names of an increasingly sophisticated and internationally recognised culture of architecture in Ireland.
The intention of the AAI awards is to encourage higher standards of architecture throughout the island, to recognise projects of any scale and type that make a contribution to Irish architectural culture, and to inform the public of emerging directions in contemporary architecture.
Since 2000, a 5-person jury comprising of an architectural critic, a foreign architect, two Irish architects and a distinguished non-architect have judged the awards. The composition of the jury ensures a balance between an international perspective and an understanding of the particular context in which Irish architects work. The exhibition of the winning projects was curated by Steven McNamara (Roji) and Darragh Breathnach (VAV) with the support of Brenda Carroll and Banbha McCann.
The 30th AAI awards jury consisted of;
Critic: Oliver Wainwright, The Guardian
Distinguished Non-architect: Amelia Stein, Photographer
Foreign Assessor: Kevin Carmody, Carmody Groarke Architects
Returning Downes Medal Winner & Irish Assessor: Alastair Hall, Hall McKnight Architects
Irish Assessor: Sarah Cremin, Cast Architecture
Blackrock Quartet – McCullough Mulvin Architects
Housing, Ballymun – FKL Architects
Merrion Cricket Pavilion – TAKA Architects
Open House, Glasthule – John McLaughlin Architects
Waterloo Lane – TAKA Architects
Special Mentions:
Alma Road – ODOS Architects
Derrinturn Camera Obscura – Garbhan Doran Architects
Court and Garden – GKMP Architects
Courtyard Extension – Eamon Peregrine Architect
Sensing Spaces – Grafton Architects
This exhibition is kindly supported by Irish Design 2015