Lecture: Mary Duggan Architects

Mary Duggan Architects

Mary Duggan Architects

Date: 18.01.2018

Time: 19:15

Venue: Thomas Davis Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin (map)

Nominated for Woman Architect of the Year in 2013, Mary Duggan is the founding director of Mary Duggan Architects, a London based Architecture and Design Studio established in March 2017.

The practice is committed to the delivery of well-conceived and thoughtfully-detailed architecture for forward-thinking clients with an equal enthusiasm for design. The ethos of the practice is driven by an untiring ambition to understand the spirit of the places in which they build, both urban and rural; to appreciate and consider the bigger picture. A concern for clients’ needs and a commitment to challenge preconceived notions of value are also central to the practice’s working philosophy.

Mary was a founding director of Duggan Morris Architects from 2004-2017. During her time at Duggan Morris Architects, the practice attained numerous industry awards for design excellence.

Mary has served on many design review panels for governing authorities, has

been a judge for a number of awards and has written critiques and provided commentary for numerous architectural journals. She is a member of the London Festival of Architecture (LFA) Panel, the RIBA Awards Panel and International Awards Panel. Mary is also currently involved in design tutoring, visiting design critiques, RIBA Part 3 examinations and external examining at a number of Schools of Architecture.


Note the standard entry fee of €5 applies, with the option of purchasing an official CPD receipt for an additional €5.

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