Entry Opens: 5th February 2025
Early Bird Registration Closes: 14th March 2025 (midnight)
General Registration Closes: 28th March 2025 (midnight)
Critics Lecture: TBC
Please read the updated entry rules and access the entry and digital submission forms here
The intention of the AAI Awards is to encourage higher standards of architecture throughout the country, to recognise projects which make a contribution to Irish architecture, and to inform the public of emerging directions in contemporary architecture.
The AAI Awards are for built and un-built projects by all practitioners in Ireland and Irish practitioners abroad. Current buildings, landscape projects, infrastructure works and competition-winning projects, which are under development, under construction, or completed within 24 months prior to the submission deadline are eligible. Current projects, counter projects, and theoretical works are also eligible. There is no categorisation of projects; all submissions will be judged equally on design merit. Important considerations that the judges will take into account include understanding of context, approach to sustainability, and the social or cultural value of the project.