Tuesday 17th September, 7.00pm
Central Hotel, 1 Exchequer St, Dublin 2
An invitation to the AAI Annual General Meeting
The AAI invites those interested in joining the committee for the 2019/20 programme year to attend the Association’s Annual General Meeting at the Central Hotel on Thursday 17th September at 7pm.
The Architectural Association of Ireland is a non-profit voluntary organisation, founded in 1896, with the aim of promoting greater discussion, dissemination and engagement in architecture and the built environment. Since its foundation, the AAI has developed a range of initiatives to encourage the amelioration of architectural culture in Ireland. Today, regular activities include an annual public lecture series comprising national and international speakers; site visits to emerging projects across the country; the publication of Building Material, Ireland’s sole peer-reviewed architecture journal; and the delivery of a yearly awards scheme, exhibition and book.
The AAI is run entirely by volunteers. New members are integral to the sustainability and continued development of the organisation and all those interested in contributing to architectural culture in Ireland are encouraged to get involved. Volunteers are required for a number of key roles on the committee, and to assist with the organisation of a diverse programme of lectures, site visits, exhibitions, awards schemes, and publications to be undertaken by the Association over the coming year.
The AGM shall begin with a review of the work of the AAI over the past year, followed by an open discussion on what direction the organisation will take over the coming year.
All are welcome. For any and all queries, please get in touch: contact@architecturalassociation.ie