Critic: Dr. Ellen Rowley
Distinguished Non-architect: Lois Kapila
Foreign Assessor: Mark Minkjan
Foreign Assessor: Takero Shimazaki
Irish Assessor: Louise Cotter
A House in a Garden _ David Leech Architects
Extension to Gairmscoil na bPiarsach, Rosmuc, Galway _ Paul Dillon Architects
Belgrave Mews _ TAKA
Special Mention
DLR Red Jetty _ A2 Architects + Alan Meredith Studio in collaboration with DLR Architect Dept. + DLR Parks Dept.
Double – Pivot _ Brennan I Furlong Architects and Urban Planners
Office Building, Saint Stephen’s Green _ de Blacam and Meagher Architects
Knocknaheeny Social Housing Scheme _ Housing Agency
A New Morrison’s Island _ Francis Keane Architects & HH+
St.Mary’s Medieval Mile Museum _ McCullough Mulvin Architects
K&K House _ TOB Architect
Rooftop Pavilion and Garden _ Bernard Seymour Landscape Architects