Witherford Watson Mann Architects

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Date: 27.02.14

Time: 19:15

Venue: Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin

William Mann is a Director with Witherford Watson Mann Architects, was born in 1966 and studied architecture at the University of Cambridge and Harvard University, completing his diploma in 1991. He worked in a number of offices in London and Europe, including Tim Ronalds Architects, where he worked with Chris Watson on the 480 seat Landmark Theatre, Ilfracombe. At Robbrecht en Daem Architecten in Gent, he was joint project architect for the new Concert Hall in Bruges, a 1200 seat auditorium for opera and concert use, with a 300 seat chamber music hall. Since establishing Witherford Watson Mann Architects in 2001, he has worked as project director on the Whitechapel Gallery, Upper Lea Valley Landscape Strategy, Astley Castle, Olympic Legacy Masterplan and the Albany Deptford. William curated the 1997 exhibition ‘In Search of Public Space’ at de Singel, Antwerp, and was a member of the Flemish Architectural Yearbook editorial board 1998 – 2004. He has lectured and written extensively in Europe, with articles published in Archis, Architecture and Urbanism, Architecture Today, and Oase, and contributions to a number of books. William is a Guest Practitioner at the London School of Economics Cities Programme.


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